Yoga with Carlos
in South Florida
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Tree Asana
Meditation Asana
  Carlos has been practicing the science of yoga for nearly 20 years and teaching professionally for 13. He can teach most styles of Hatha (the physical yoga) including Iyengar, Sivananda, Kundalini, Ashtanga, Vinyasas, and Kripalu, the latter being his teaching style. Kripalu yoga is known as The Yoga of The Conciousness and involves gentle Asanas (physical poses) combined with vigorous Kriyas (energy movements), Pranayama (breathing techniques) and Meditation. After the 90 minute session you will feel totally relaxed, aware, strong, and more flexible at the same time. The meditation session will also increase the healing effects.
Try the first class free. Call Carlos at (305) 825-2447 or email:
  Yoga with Carlos
Phone: 305-825-2447